Party Up, the latest event in Pokemon GO, will start at 10 am local time on Wednesday, November 22, and end at 8 pm local time on Monday, November 27, 2023. This event is meant to celebrate the Party Play feature as well as all the new Paldean Pocket Monsters released during the season of Adventures Abound.
Shiny hunters will want to know which critters are available in this special form during this event and the chances of running into them. This article explores all those details.
All shiny Pocket Monsters available during Pokemon GO Party Up, and their shiny odds
1) Gothita
Shiny Gothita can be discovered during wild and Field Research encounters at a rate of 1-in-512.
2) Solosis
Solosis is a potential wild spawn and Field Research encounter with a 1-in-512 chance of it being shiny
3) Morelull
Morelull can only be found as a wild research encounter during Pokemon GO Party Play. The chances of it being shiny are 1-in-512.
4) Lechonk
Lechonk is the only Paldean critter available in its shiny form in the wild in Pokemon GO as of now. It is also available as a 1-star raid boss during this event. In both cases, it has a 1-in-512 shiny chance.
5) Hisuian Growlithe
Hisuian Growlithe is a 1-star raid boss, and a potential Field Research encounter with a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
6) Nosepass
This Pocket Monster can be found in one-star raids and via specific Field Research tasks. The odds of finding a shiny form of this critter are 1-in-512.
7) Dwebble
Dwebble is a 1-star raid boss with a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
8) Klink
Klink is also a 1-star raid boss, and there is a 1-in-64 chance you might find its shiny form.
9) Gardevoir
Gardevoir is a 3-star raid boss in Pokemon GO's Party Up event. You can find its shiny form after defeating it in battle, with a 1-in-64 chance of this happening.
10) Bombirdier
Bombirdier is a 3-star raid boss from the Paldea region with a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
11) Terrakion
Terrakion will be appearing in 5-star raids during the event with a 1-in-20 chance of being shiny.
12) Kangaskhan
Mega Kangaskhan will be the Mega Raid boss during this Pokemon GO event. You will have a chance to catch this critter's shiny form once you beat it. The odds of it being shiny are 1-in-64.
This is the last event of November 2023. You can take a look at December 2023 and January 2024 Pokemon GO leaks for a sneak peek of what lies ahead.
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