In February 2015, after shooting his father to death, Ivy League student Charlie Tan, his mother, Qing "Jean" Tan, and elder brother Jeffrey Tan reportedly packed their bags and drove all the way to Toronto, where they purchased one-way tickets to Shanghai, China. Their attempt to flee the country took a wild turn when they decided to return to the US and admit to the crime.
Charlie's family had relocated to the States from Canada a number of years earlier, where his father, Liang "Jim" Tan, had founded a prosperous tech company called Dynamex Imaging close to Rochester. They resided in Pittsford, New York, where the former Cornell University student gunned down his father after suffering years of abuse at his hands.
Dateline: Unforgettable is scheduled to revisit the murder story that saw Charlie Tan's once-bright future as an outstanding student and star athlete come crumbling down. The episode, titled House of Secrets, airs this Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 9 pm ET.
With that said, let's explore the Tan family's current whereabouts ahead of the episode's arrival.
Where is the rest of Charlie Tan's family?
A 2017 report states that Jim Tan's family acquired Dynamax Imaging LLC, a high-tech business based in Canandaigua, after his murder. The business produces imaging systems as its area of expertise. Jean Tan, Jim's wife and Charlie's mother, apparently received half of the company's shares, which is worth $2.4 million. After her husband's demise, she also inherited roughly $150,000 in cash.
Charlie Tan, who was once charged with killing his father, was given nearly $231,000 in cash along with a certain portion of Dynamax. According to court documents, that shareholding, nearly a 25% stake in the company, was worth $1.2 million. Meanwhile, Tan's older brother, Jeffrey, has assumed the leadership position of Dynamax and is listed as the company's president and chief executive officer.
Court documents from 2017 also named Qing Tan as the group's CEO. She continues to be the owner of the Coach Side house in Pittsford, New York, where the Tan family resided before Jim Tan's murder in February 2015. However, reports state that they have moved to a different location ever since, while Charlie Tan remains incarcerated in New York's Ray Brook federal prison, serving a 20-year term.
A brief look at Jim Tan's 2015 murder by son, Charlie Tan
Charlie Tan was a Cornell University student before becoming the son who gunned down his abusive father on February 5, 2015. He reportedly left the university that day, acquired a firearm via illegal means through a friend's help, and headed straight to his parents' home, where he shot his father three times as he sat behind the office desk.
The former Ivy League scholar never admitted to the killing and was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of illegal purchase of a firearm in 2017 after the murder charges against him were dropped, leading to a deadlocked jury in the initial trial. Charlie only confessed to the killing in 2019, over four years later, in hopes of getting his sentence revised.
The accused claimed that his father was abusive and that he basically endured and witnessed a lifetime of torment before finally deciding to step up and save his family. Charlie mentioned in the official affidavit sent to the court that before the incident he felt "terrified by the enormity of what I was about to do," but "felt there was no turning back." Once it was done, he said, "I knew I had killed him."
As previously stated, Charlie Tan and his family's story will be the subject of Dateline: Unforgettable's upcoming episode this Tuesday. The episode airs at 8 pm ET on Oxygen.
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