Activision introduced the Kilo 141 in COD Mobile (Call of Duty Mobile) Season 1: Heist update in January 2022. The assault rifle became one of the most sought-after weapons after its arrival in the game and remains many players' top pick more than a year later.
Call of Duty Mobile Season 2: Heavy Metal (2023) brought plenty of new additions to the game, including various balance changes for guns like the M16, Krig 6, AK117, MX9, and more. However, the Kilo 141 remains untouched and is still a powerful weapon for close-range and mid-range combat in both MP and BR.
Like any other gun in COD Mobile, the Kilo 141 has certain limitations, which anyone can work around using a decent Gunsmith loadout.
Note: Parts of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
Most efficient Gunsmith loadout for Kilo 141 assault rifle in COD Mobile Season 2: Heavy Metal
The Kilo 141 offers 29 damage to the body — torso, arms, and legs — and 1.4 times the damage (i.e., 40.6 damage) to the head. The Call of Duty Mobile assault rifle has a slightly uncontrollable recoil pattern, which makes it tough to handle, especially for newbies.
Here are the primary attributes of the Kilo 141 in COD Mobile as of Season 2:
- Damage: 29
- Accuracy: 57
- Range: 54
- Fire Rate: 68
- Mobility: 79
- Control: 55
Players who find the Kilo 141 unstable can use the Gunsmith loadout in either MP or BR to make the weapon more controllable.
Here are the attachments that one can use for this loadout in COD Mobile Season 2:
1) Muzzle: OWC Light Compensator
- Pros - Decrease in Vertical and Horizontal Recoil by 11.1% and 7.0%
- Cons - Increase in ADS Time and Bullet Spread by 5.0% and 8.0%
2) Stock: RTC Steady Stock
- Pros - Decrease in ADS Bullet Spread, Hit Flinch, and Horizontal Recoil by 8.0%, 8.0%, and 3.2%, respectively.
- Cons - Decrease in ADS Movement Speed by 10.0%
3) Rear Grip: Granulated Grip Tape
- Pros - Increase in ADS Bullet Spread by 11.6%
- Cons - Decrease in ADS Movement Speed by 4.0%
4) Laser: OWC Laser - Tactical
- Pros - Decrease in ADS Time and Bullet Spread by 8.0% and 9.2%
- Cons - Visible Laser Sights
5) Ammunition: Extended Mag A
- Pros - Increase in Magazine Capacity by 10
- Cons - Decrease in Movement Speed by 2.0% and increase in Reload Time by 12.0%
Here are the Kilo 141's attributes after the use of the Gunsmith loadout attachments listed above:
- Damage: 29
- Accuracy: 70
- Range: 54
- Fire Rate: 68
- Mobility: 77
- Control: 61
With this loadout, the Kilo 141 will improve in Accuracy and Control, while Mobility will witness a slight downgrade. The attachments will make it easier for players to stabilize the weapon in terms of recoil, get more kills, and increase their chances of attaining more wins.
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