Floyd Mayweather Shantel Jackson: "You're not s*** without me"

July 2024 · 4 minute read

Floyd Mayweather has had a troubled relationship with his ex-fiancee Shantel Jackson. The pair met back in 2006 when Jackson was 21 years old and dated on and off for eight years.

They didn't part ways on good terms and Jackson subsequently filed a civil lawsuit against the multiple-division world champ. Just days before his rematch against Marcos Maidana in September 2014, sensational court documents revealed accusations of battery, assault, defamation and invasion of privacy against Mayweather.

According to the documents obtained by the Daily Mail, Mayweather and Jackson were not living together when she fell pregnant in November 2013. 'Money' demanded that he move back with her and went on a vicious foul-mouthed rant when she denied it. He allegedly said:

"I took you out of the hood. I should have left your **s there. You’re not sh*t without me. I made you who you are."

While Mayweather showered Jackson with luxurious designer handbags and 'cash gifts' at the beginning of their relationship, things soon started to go downhill. According to the court document filed by Jackson, 'Money' soon became very controlling and even stopped her from working, demanding her presence at all times.

Shantel Jackson stood by Mayweather when the boxer was accused of assaulting former girlfriend Josie Harris in front of their children in 2012. Days after his release from prison, 'Money' allegedly twisted Jackson's arm in a similar manner and also choked her to go through her phone.

“Which toe do you want me to shoot?” - Floyd Mayweather allegedly told Shantel Jackson as things worsened

The relationship seemingly remained abusive despite multiple promises from Floyd Mayweather, sparking Shantel Jackson's decision to leave him and move to Los Angeles in early 2013.

'Money' somehow managed to woo her back but the pair started fighting again. When Jackson threatened to leave, Mayweather went into a rage, threatening her with a gun. He allegedly bent her arm and pointing a gun at her toes said:

“Which toe do you want me to shoot?”

Floyd Mayweather then kept her prisoner inside the house for a few days before she finally escaped to California when 'Money' was out of town. Shantel went through an abortion in January 2014 and was attacked by Mayweather when he was informed.

Weeks after the attack, Shantel Jackson posted a picture with rapper Nelly at a basketball game which sent Mayweather into a fit. The boxer allegedly demanded she take the picture down, threatening to leak private pictures which he had taken while she was asleep.

The relationship was done by then and Floyd Mayweather blamed the abortion a few months later.

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